Automation and control in theory and practice

5th-7th February 2020

Social Network based doctoral Education on Industry 4.0

International project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Programme of the European Union

Brief Project Description

The objectives of the project are to build an Open Networked Platform for the learning of Industry 4.0 themes dedicated to PhD students. The project will not just create an open platform but a set of models in order to standardize the learning and physical processes as a "virtual copy" of the learning activities. The models will be structured in a modular approach in order to promote the integration in the existing mechanisms as well as for future necessary adaptations. Other than the aforementioned standardization, the project will examine in depth the necessary changes in existing protocols and tools to support the proposed platform. Under this platform, student teams will be able to co-create their learning track and the learning contents. Students teams will be composed by students from all the countries presented in the project. Teams will interact using a Social Network application, therefore there will not be necessary the physical presence.

Project partners

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), UOI University of Ioannina (Greece), UNINA University of Naples Federico II (Italy), UMINHO University of Minho (Portugal), TUKE Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia), POLITO Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy) and PRZ Rzeszow University of Technology (Poland).

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