Automation and control in theory and practice

5th-7th February 2020



05. 02. 2020 (Wednesday)

16:30 Registration of participants (hotel Academia)

19:00 Informal meeting

06. 02. 2020 (Thursday)

09:00 Opening ceremony

09:10 Selected lectures

14:00 Afternoon professional program

07. 02. 2020 (Friday)

09:00 Excursion or poster section


Scientific program will be specified before the event according to the contributions

Application form and fees

Application form

Google application form >>>
Template in docx format >>>

Advance Registration 

(by December 31st, 2019)


Late Registration

(after December 31st, 2019)


The participant who pays the participation fee may be the author or co-author of a maximum of two published contributions in the proceedings. The range of paper(s) is not limited.

The registration fees cover access to all special sessions, conference material, welcome reception, the conference dinner, lunch, coffee breaks and conference proceedings on CD/USB. The registration fee does not include accommodation costs.

Payment data

VAT: All prices are including VAT.

PAYMENT METHOD: Bank transfer
Account holder: Technicka univerzita v Kosiciach
Account holder address: Letna 9, 041 00 Kosice, SR
VAT number: SK2020486710
Bank name: Statna pokladnica
Bank address: Radlinskeho 32, Bratislava, SR
Bank account number (IBAN): SK77 8180 0000 0070 0008 1877,
Beneficiary´ name: Fakulta vyrobnych technologii
Beneficiary´ address: Bayerova 1, Presov, SR
Variable symbol: 106401
Constant symbol: 0308
Note: Name of participant and affiliation


31. 12. 2019 - sending a contribution for review and payment of discounted fee

15. 01. 2020 - delivery of the final version of the paper

31. 01. 2020 - sending the application form and paying the entry fee

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